Tamsins Homebirth, Baby Harriet

Hi Nikkiharriet

Just writing to let you know we had our 3rd delight yesterday morning. Harriet Emily entered the world in a beautifully calm home birth just as we had planned!

As well as the birth pool (which I can’t recommend highly enough having had two “dry” labours previously), I used the breathing techniques from yoga, as well as various active birthing positions.

Everything was perfect, including the two big girls who watched their sister being born and spontaneously sang her “happy birthday”!

See you soon.

Tamsin xx


To book Pregnancy Yoga classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/yoga/

To book Baby Massage Classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/baby-massage-post-natal-yoga/

Lucie & Riley

Hi Nikkiriley2

I hope u had a lovely Christmas. Lee and I managed to squeeze xmas in before Riley arrived. First of all I would like to say thank you for the fantastic yoga classes they were brilliant and I loved them, and so did baby Mac when he was still in my tummy. I have been recommending your classes to other mummies to be.

Originally Riley was due on the 30.12. We were supposed to induced on the 29th but he arrived on the 28th 🙂

The labour was a bit of a drama as everything happened so fast. I was having some contractions in the early hours of the 27th, so Lee and I phoned the labour ward around 10am to see if they wanted us in because of my high blood pressure that I developed during pregnancy. I could not feel the baby move as my tummy kept on staying hard.

After 30 mins of monitoring things seemed ok so Lee went to get me some food, as soon as he left the room the baby’s heart rate started to go crazy so the midwife pushed the emergency button and before I knew it, the room was full of MWs and Drs…. taking my blood and braking my water. I was told that the baby is struggling and that they need to get me ready for emergency C section. It was horrible, they would not let Lee back into the room and I was terrified.

Luckily the waters were clear so the Dr suggested giving baby 10mins to recover his heart rate before c section. As soon as Lee got back, his heart rate calmed down again, so we were moved to a labour ward. Both baby and I had to be monitored at all times but they did what that could to keep me active and walking. Because of my high blood pressure my labour was progressing quite fast. I managed to get to 5cm with just the tens machine and gas and air. I used the Golden Ribbon breath, and that worked well, and also I played the song from your class over and over again! I think it drove everyone mad! hehehe but it really helped me. I kept laughing from the gas and air very loud, and even the midwife was laughing hysterically 🙂

I had to ask for an epidural in the end. I’m glad I did because Riley’s heart rate kept playing up every so often, so the Dr would rush in and they would contemplate a C section. When it came to the pushing part I wanted to be seated – and again they tried to accommodate my wishes but Riley kept struggling, the only position he was happy in was on my left side, but his heart rate kept dropping lower and lower (later found that this was due to a short umbilical cord) so we went to theatre where we had an assisted delivery, I had a full spinal block just in case they had to do an emergency c section.

I think it took only 3 contractions for Riley to make an appearance. I was so worried…..but he arrived safely on the 28.12. at 00.40 weighing 7 pounds 4 oz, total labour time 6 hrs 40 mins.

I’m glad all worked out well in the end and I have to say the staff at Frimley were brilliant. Acted fast, considered my wishes and my birth plan and in the best interest of our baby.
Thank you so much for everything

Lucie & Riley


To book Pregnancy Yoga classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/yoga/

To book Baby Massage Classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/baby-massage-post-natal-yoga/

Krissy’s Story – a calm and positive caesarean birth

Our baby boy is here! Arrived 3.30pm on Monday by c section in the end.

After successfully turning him so he was head down, they tried to break my waters but couldn’t as they were still too high so were going to go down the pesary route instead. However, his head then bobbed back to being transverse! All the extra fluid from the polyhydramnios meant they couldn’t get his head to safely settle downwards to start induction and a section became safest route.

It was all quite calm and planned. I was allowed your lovely smelling oil on my hanky, your wonderful Devi Prayer music playing to relax me and I did plenty of Ujjayi breaths to get me through the rather different, medical experience of a c section birth compared to my last two! The staff were great, did delayed cord clamping and let me have lots of skin to skin time straight away – rather than doing all the weighing, vitamin k etc in the theatre they did it in the recovery room much later which was so fabulous. They put the monitoring probes on my back instead of chest which made it easier. Definitely shows it’s worth asking for these things.

So he’s here and safe, weighed 8.15oz and is still awaiting a name!

Thanks so much for all your tips the last few weeks. I’m due to leave today after 13 days in, (phew!) and can’t wait! Not quite the homebirth we hoped for but these things can’t be planned as we know! It’s definitely made me realise how lucky I was to have such normal natural pregnancy and birthing experiences with my previous two!

Thanks also for the wonderful classes, the breathing helped so very much and the oil and music too.

Big hugs to you and your family Nikki

Loads of love and thanks



To book Pregnancy Yoga classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/yoga/

To book Baby Massage Classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/baby-massage-post-natal-yoga/

Natanya’s Story

Baby Zac Dobson was born on Saturday night 18 October at 22h44 after a two stage labour.babyzac

I was induced on Friday evening as my amniotic fluid was low and there was concern the placenta was breaking down. Around midnight, I had mild contractions – after rubbing some clary sage oil on my belly, i jumped on the ball, put some african lounge music on my iPhone and started doing some yoga exercises and breathing techniques.
It was all very zen and beautiful.

Saturday morning the contractions stopped!! I found this very frustrating and was told to wait out the induction process as most women with first time babies take 3 days at least.
My waters broke at 3.15pm and mild contractions started approx 40mins later. Although my contractions appeared more intense, an examination revealed I was only 1cm dilated. My husband was sent home at 9.15pm and we were both told to get some rest as we had a long night ahead of us.

No sooner had Shaun left when my contractions ramped up to another level and one we weren’t expecting. By 10pm an internal revealed I was in transition… And My husband arrived at the birth of his son with moments to spare.

I spent a few days in hospital and we are now home nesting with our gorgeous child.

I am going to miss Monday night yoga!! Thank you for providing a safe and warm environment for other women to nurture their growing bellies whilst preparing for the arrival of the greatest gift of all, motherhood!! You have also enabled a lovely group of women to form close ties and in particular the start of a great friendship between dear Caroline and myself – we were due a week apart and gave birth 24hrs apart and were in hospital together. Our husbands are becoming good friends too :))

Please let me know if you fancy a cuddle sometime – I am very proud to show of my baby boy and his chilled nature

Lots of love


To book Pregnancy Yoga classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/yoga/

To book Baby Massage Classes visit: https://www.mylittlebubble.co.uk/baby-massage-post-natal-yoga/